Wednesday, April 2, 2014

you are either nuanced or you aren't

People have complicated relationships to television shows. That is why I always tell people not to judge where others draw the line in terms of what sorts of kyriarchal garbage horseshit they will tolerate in a television show. It is also why I tell them to shut the cunt up when they criticize my choices and why I chastise and excommunicate them if they express any interest in watching the Simpsons.

All of this is evidence of the deep complexities and nuance for which I openly allow in this space each time I politely remind you to psychically discern my arbitrary whims when it comes to where lines are drawn and where they are not. As an example, jokes about acid facials are progressive, whereas, references to the simpsons are abhorrent and fat-hating, cromulent pro-simpsons persons will not be tolerated in this advanced nuance space.

You are either nuanced or you aren't.


  1. Judith, I really appreciate the effort you put into crafting and stating your fluid boundaries. It really keeps us on our toes.

    For example, when you state that a thing is horrible because you and other people are triggered by it, and then in the comments people recount awful cases of that thing in great detail, which is of course not triggering... but then who people talk about times when that thing was okay to them and they enjoyed it are told to quit it out. That's a great example of the Shakestown community experience!

    I always learn so much from you.


    1. yahoo_yak, you have clearly not read all the wikipedia articles. The ruler of this perfect kingdom did not deign to allow you to talk about toes or any other body parts. By not following all the rules of Her Blogmistress, Queen of Scotland, you are violating her sacred ego boundaries and behaving just like a rapist.

    2. Oh Merciful One, please don't punish me (not that I expect you to, and not that it wouldn't be entirely deserved, Bad Dobby, Bad Dobby)! I unreservedly preemptively apologize for not adding Content Notes. So,
      [CN: body parts, violation of ego boundaries, insane wank]

    3. Toes are deeply triggering for repressed foot fetishists. HDU disappear them.

    4. HD UUUUU (the woooooorst) disappear non-repressed foot fetishists by cromulently eliding their lived experiences of being NOT triggered by toes.

    5. [CN: clarification of elided identity] None of the foregoing Anons were me except the original signed comment.


    6. yahoo_yak, you've done it again. Using signed-name privilege to elide the lived experiences of those who chose to remain anonymous, and filtering the trauma of repressed foot-fetishists through your QPRS (Quartz Palace Reflector Syndrome). THIS IS THE WORST THING ANYONE HAS READ ALL DAY. YOU ARE A PRIVILEGE GARBAGE NIGHTMARE.

    7. However, for the sake of convenience, I (the author of the anonymous posts), hereby dub myself strokemyfoot.

      - strokemyfoot

    8. Not to elide anyone's lived experiences of being marginalized, non-sweating persons of marginalization, but I did want to note the fact that you can "sign in" to comments using the Name/URL option, but can leave the URL blank. It will still post your name.

      I can only offer hugs and gluten-free Carts of Happy Items and my hope that this will not be seen as asking anyone to do more work.

    9. Forgive me for using the Reply function, Jim the Yam, but thank you for letting me know. I shall try that now.

  2. It's a fine line between nuance and hypocrisy, and if anyone can navigate it successfully, it's you, Your Grace!
